Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day 5: I miss Mike!!!!!


Today was a light day with Viktor riding about 50 miles from the border to Ottawa, Canada.
Photos and other information later.

Now it is time to visit with family!

I will let Mike update everyone on his trip home, but the plan was for him to get a lift part way to Watertown, NY and then to ride to Watertown where he will meet his son and father.

They will take him back home so he can return to work tomorrow with a great story to tell...

More photos and commentary later today (probably) or tomorrow...

The final leg for Viktor will be on July 2 (110 miles or so) from Ottawa to just north of Lachute, Quebec.

Thank you so much for following us and for the support each and every one ofyou has offered. It was great to know that although there were only two of us riding, there were many of us involved!

Have a great Sunday!

From Mike:

I made it home safely thanks to Yves Dupont for driving me to Watertown, NY and my Dad and my son for driving me back home. I arrived around 9:05 pm.As Viktor stated, we are blessed by the tremendous amount of support we’ve received: both from our friend and families and from complete strangers.This is something that I will never forget.

I plan to update everyone in a day or two with the last bits of trip.

Thanks again for all your support!



  1. Hey my fellow rider.
    I wish you and your lovely family a safe and wonderful time in Canada. I do not think, no, I know I would not have been able to do this ride without the encouragement and support of you. When I felt like I couldn't climb a curb let alone another hill-you kept me moving forward. In the end, we crossed into Ogdensburg, NY just like we started in West Chester-together. Sure, it was challenging and at some points down-right painful, but we did it together-all 465 miles. 17, 500 + feet of climbing. 2 flats and 1 broken cable. 2 rain delays and numerous water stops. In the end, we accomplished our goal and did it as a team.

    Thank you for allowing me to be apart of this journey.


  2. We had fun following you guys on the adventure.
    Congatulations Mike! and Welcome home to Canada Victor.
    Best Regards, Juan & Doris
